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Hearts and spring :)

I got on the computer today with an insatiable desire to blog--I know, I haven't truly blogged for a while, just posting pictures, but I'll update you all on what's been happening lately.

OK...settle back on bed, turn on Ingrid Michaelson, and.... BLOG!

*sigh* Valentine's Day. hmm...yes, I WAS going to bake cookies, I WAS going to wear red, I WAS going to take pictures of everything, and I WAS going to to decorate my room, but no. We ate bought cookies, we sent our valentines the day before, and I took two pictures. I'm sorry :( But here are my meager results!

Poor Jake, He wasn't too happy with the heart around his neck :)

As I said, we ate bought cookies. :(
Does anybody have any idea why blogger posts my pictures all blurry? Sometimes it lets me post them with Picasa (nice and un-blurry), but I can't get it to do that on a regular basis . ???. mm, I guess I'll have to search google or something.

Spring is coming! I love the poem my mom always used to sing to us when we were little:

"Spring is here," said the bumble bee
"How do you know?" said the old Oak Tree
"I just saw a daffodil dancing
with a crocus on a windy hill!"

Dandelions, flip flops, crocus shoots, and happiness are here! (To stay, hopefully for a while!)
Spring's first dandelion!

Dandelion + painted toes + flip flops + cross-process = awesome Spring-iness!!!